Saturday, June 27, 2009

just stuff

my friend went to england then must be quarantined. soooo good.

i skipped CIP today.n im still feeling very guilty...slept over at cousin's house.super fun some pictures but she dun wanna help me upload to my blog.bleah.

guess how many hours have i done for CIP.yes,1.5 hours...ONLY.sigh.when i think of my partner having done 50+,cuz of some SCMUN stuff,i feel even more guilty.i 2 lazy go.n i also hav smth on.but it wasnt gonna do CIP like crazy in my sch.ill stay back like crazy.i wanna minus points for o levels.but im still doing nothing about it.

that reminds me of not studying properly during the hols.which means next year im gonna be in the last class.darn the stupid geog, science, n especially maths.the lowest common multiple n highest common multiple is getting on my nerves.then there's that stupid stupid geog test on tuesday.n science i cant seem to remember anything about it except those lab safety rules.sigh.

im super stressed out now okay. :(


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