Friday, July 31, 2009

FIRE ANTS!!! *oh!horror!*

went 2 some BIG WALK BIG DEAL.okay,it is a big deal.we were forced 2 stand on the grass which was full of fire ants.(by the way, the walk was some red cross stuff.)i dunnoe how many ppl got bitten but some 1 from another school even CRIED.i think we stepped on their nests and like at least ten of them would climb up yr trouser leg and start bitting like crazy. miselle got bitten on the cheeks!

i guess the ant wanted 2 kiss her or smth.jkjk.

i didnt get bitten cuz i was like jumping up n down crazily. :D hehe. then we moved to the so called "track".n guess wad? MORE ANTS CAME. so i was like killing every1 of them, i mean stamping and squishing them. like we've got 2 take revenge somehow. but there's irony here aka a literary device. cuz we r "lifesavers" (it says so on the back of our T-shirt) but we r now killing life. wiping them out. small lives.hahas.

but i didnt care.n next the queen ant came out n i just stepped on it.yeuck!the floor was filled with DEAD ANTS KILLED BY ME< NICOLETTE AND WENN LIN!!!haha.and they were blown about by the yea,u can guess how the scene was.

so evil.

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