Tuesday, August 11, 2009

the world just goes round the sun non-stop

SIGH...im sorry i keep starting my posts with a sigh. i just cant help it.:s i thought that monday would never come. i thought that i would be free forever. i must have been drunk. REALLY!to think that i can avoid piano lessons?!?!SIGH.my theory isn't done, the piano has been left untouched for months, and i haven't listened to the stooopid music pieces my (stoooooopid)teacher wants me to listen to.

like i give a damn.I HATE PIANO LESSONS!!!!!!and i've still got to worry about CIP like what to bring there and stuff. and how am i going to eat. my shift is like from 11am to 8pm without a break. then im freaking out about the poc dinner and what should i wear, how do i go home all by myself in the middle of the night and how am i supposed to finish all my homework on time...furthermore, there's lang arts, science, geog higher chinese and math on that day which = to a 1 metre pile of homework.

i know i should seriously stop worrying but i (again) just cant help it. and now im reminded of the fact that there's still a fight going on in RC and that our footdrill is not up to standards at all and BLAH BLAH BLAH...

if life is all about worrying, i'd rather be a snail.

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