Tuesday, November 17, 2009


WHEEEEEE.....!!!! HEHEhehehe...ha. i can't believe i finally have the motivation to write a post. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! so sian. now i'm like doing homework everyday even though its the hols alr. but i sort of look forward to it. that's how nerdy i am. AND I JUST FINISHED READING SOMETHING ABOUT PROTONS, NEUTRONS AND ELECTRONS but i can't get a single thing about them into my head so now i'm trying to do something about the CA bonus marks questions BUT(again) i gave up and turned to blogging. ITS SO BORING AT HOME that you can slug your guts out like mad and not get anything in return.

Facebook has absolutely nothing in it, google is filled with so much wikipedia stuff that you'll need some super thick dictionary to decipher whatever is in it. and the geog textbook for NEXT YEAR is totally all case studies THUS I AM SO GONNA FAIL IT NEXT YEAR. okay, why am i talking about work? its like making me freak out more.

changing of topic in progress....

i just realized i have some serious problem of whateverphobia which makes me worry all the time. ARGH! I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT WHAT IT IS CALLED. but anyways, i've started worrying about lame stuff like what if i go blind and what if i die suddenly. i know this is crazy but i think all these started after i realized how complicated the world really is. i blame it all on Animal Farm cuz it totally tells me about how people and animals die in the russian revolution(and that Hitler used to watch cockerels fighting till they are all bloody). or perhaps it's just because the holidays are driving me crazy. there's this communication barrier cutting me off from my whole class. sighs...i'm missing everyone now. :(

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

EXAMS....ARE Over!!!!!!!!!!!!

omgomgomgomgomgomgomg. i can't believe exams are finally over. thought they would never end. i'm slacking like crazy now, plus i just made a vow to keep my blog alive no matter what happens. :D so yays! okay, that's lame. but i can't wait to go to Rachel's house to see floppy the doggie!!!!! hehes.

oh and im so worried about science. i made like super lotssssss of careless mistakkes. and i think i drew the heating thingy with straight lines when it was supposed to be CURVED. -.- and chinese. argh its killing meeeee...

i just read the messenger and gathering blues, sequels to The Giver. they're like soo... make u want 2 reflect and stuff and they give you the impression that our world is on the road of becoming a utopia one which is really scary. in the messenger, there's this ambiguous ending about whether Matty really died or not and it was really touching and sad cuz if he died, he died to save his village from destruction and to make it flourish again. all about self-sacrificing lives.

and im going out with tze rae to ion orchard this sunday. its like a dream come true after being cooped up in my room for weeks on end just to study. i really regretted not going to church just because i need to study. sighs...

AND I CANT WAIT for the fieldtrip tomorrow to some battlefield thingy at Bukit Chandu or smth. lolz. i'm gonna go crazy and hyper there cuz its finally AFTER THE EXAMS!!!!!! n we can slack like mad and not worry until we get our papers back.

Friday, August 21, 2009


This might seriously be my last post here. i lack the motivation BIG time. plus, exams are coming n ive gotta study if i wanna remain in CO. i'm fretting over lang arts now, which i shouldn't cuz e exam is like super far away. regretfully, i should be worried about science and geog cuz i really don't understand a thing about them.

health week was fun. as in how you would say physics is phun(fun). n it isn't. so in conclusion, health week wasn't fun. I HATE DRAGON BOAT RACING!!!!! it seriously sucks. like all u do over there is get yourself drenched with reservoir water. oh, n u also get blisters on your hands....))))))):

byebyes for now...or forever....

my blog will become extinct soon...

Sunday, August 16, 2009


OMGOMG!!!i cant wait for health week!!!! we get to wear pe that wk n guess wad???no cca!!!!!AND AND AND...my piano lesson is postponed till thursday!!!:DDDDDwhich means i cant finish doing the unfinished piano homework!!!!im not gonna be a snail anymore or go to a utopia world! just as jing wen says, I LOVE LIFE!!!!!

ANDANDANDANDAND,,,i finished NINE hours of cip in one day!!!!u cant imagine how happy n exhilarated i am!!!!bbut i did lots of manual work so im like aching all over which is a bad thing. seriously. oww...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

the world just goes round the sun non-stop

SIGH...im sorry i keep starting my posts with a sigh. i just cant help it.:s i thought that monday would never come. i thought that i would be free forever. i must have been drunk. REALLY!to think that i can avoid piano lessons?!?!SIGH.my theory isn't done, the piano has been left untouched for months, and i haven't listened to the stooopid music pieces my (stoooooopid)teacher wants me to listen to.

like i give a damn.I HATE PIANO LESSONS!!!!!!and i've still got to worry about CIP like what to bring there and stuff. and how am i going to eat. my shift is like from 11am to 8pm without a break. then im freaking out about the poc dinner and what should i wear, how do i go home all by myself in the middle of the night and how am i supposed to finish all my homework on time...furthermore, there's lang arts, science, geog higher chinese and math on that day which = to a 1 metre pile of homework.

i know i should seriously stop worrying but i (again) just cant help it. and now im reminded of the fact that there's still a fight going on in RC and that our footdrill is not up to standards at all and BLAH BLAH BLAH...

if life is all about worrying, i'd rather be a snail.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

life really sucks.

i'm bored.but at least i found some cip to do in the library.like finally.i hate the quarrel in rc.every1's mad at each other,everything's going wrong!argh.why cant it be resolved once and for all?now there's this weird and tense silence in the blog.nope,nobody's saying anything.sigh...

Friday, August 7, 2009

I CRIED IN SCHOOL YESTERDAY.during poc. i was like super sad. it was when we were singing my heart will go on. i seriously thought tad i wouldnt cry. i promised myself. but then i saw Michelle Ma'am cry. and Yan Bing Ma'am. then the rest of the Ma'ams had like tears in their eyes.i tried not to look at them cuz i would cry. so i stared at the floor. but then the "sensation" just came. the tears just welled up. i tried to make them go back in but they just flowed out.i mean it's super sad. okay, i cried at home too.i guess i didnt cry enough.i couldnt help it.sighs.i'll miss the ma'ams like crazy...:((((